Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Globalization in Afghanistan

By Nazu

The word Globalization is used to describe the increasing competition and cooperation between countries and societies around the world, and Also it contains with trade, communication technology, travel, sciences, medicine, language and culture.....
Globalisation has brought a great affect in the daily life of each person according to the areas field.
In my point of view the great shift was in the technical and science field.

Over the last past years in Afghanistan people didn't know the word of computer Internet but now most them are using the Internet to be online with people to make good friends around the world to listen to the music and for other facilities I think that is the huge globalization in my country.
Also the other big globalization is English language in Afghanistan my mother is saying that 20 years ago Afghan people were not able to say ABC but fortunately in nowadays most of the people are able to speak English very well to solve their problem.

In conclusion globalisation has improved the way of communication in my countries and all over the world the effect globalization our personal lives and the way the world operates.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

changes in my province and country

There's always changes in my country Afghanistan especially in my province Kabul since the war began. It used be really save and beautiful city that was the place where all around the world people were coming to visit, the beautiful view, enjoy the snow and delicious Afghani food and it was good business they were exporting and importing the traditional Afghani fruit especially the grabs and also the beautiful unique red hands making rugs those rugs were very popular around the world and it's still popular. Twenty five years ago people had freedom, freedom of cloths, studies especially women, Kabul was similar to Europe the women had freedom nobody was telling them how to wear or don't go to school or stay home don't go to work. The rights for men and women were equal but unfortunately everything gone the opposite way especially in Taliban time women had no rights at all and the men should have long mi stash and beers and have to wear long cloths. The whole country gone down the reputation of our country is now too low around the world. That is so disappointed for all Afghan people, recently it's a bit getting better since Americans came to our country we are happy with them because they are trying hard to improve our life style but unfortunately terrorist still putting the bombs every where to kill people the public are still not save.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Experience/Travel Class report

I have surved the whole class, we are all seventeen students. From seventeen students one of the student have been all around the world, two of the students have been to the Australia and three students visited Pakistan, two students have been to the Russia and thats where they originally come from.
Many students visited out of Auckland, two students have been to Rotorou, three students are been to bay of island where the Whangari is. Three of the other students are been to the Dinedun where the Otago universty is. At the end i found out that people are really interesting with travelling around the world to meet new people and new culture.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hello my name is Nazu, I am from Afghanistan, I born in Kabul the capital city of Afghanistan I have three brothers and four sisters we are all living together with my mother and my father past away fourteen years ago, when I was only six years old, my father was army officer pilot he got killed by Russian officers they shot his plan while he was travelling to the other city of Afghanistan Herat. I came to New Zealand at the end of 1999 when I was twelve years old my uncle sponsored us, that was the happiest time in my life for me. I have been to some countries Pakistan, Malaysia, Afghanistan and New Zealand but the best country I like is my favourite New Zealand I like this country because It's save, peaceful and the people of New Zealand are really friendly kind especially with refuges like us they gave us life. I have been to high school here too the name of the is Kelston Girls High School such a good school. Unfortunately I haven't finished my seventh form properly I left my school when I was in sixth form the reason I drop my studies because I found really good job at the countdown as a supervisor and I was so excited because that was the first job I got it in New Zealand. I am still doing that job as a part time now. I can speak four languages Persian, Pashto, Urdu and English when I came here I couldn't speaking English at all it was really difficult for me but now I am getting much much better. The reason I am doing English now because I have some difficulty with my English grammar it's hard for me to change information in my own words. I want to be a primary teacher I guess I need good English writing for that. I have one lovely pussy cat her name is Liala she is beautiful when I get bore I have fun with her. My hobbies are watching movies , listening to music, eating chocolate and reading interesting books. I like to have good people around me and I love to get good advice from them.